eco-Options - Making the sustainable choice easy

Climate change is a wicked problem.

It can be complicated, difficult and expensive for businesses to take the right steps towards a more sustainable future.

eco-Options Energy provides an easy, affordable solution that combats climate change while addressing the needs and demands of the commercial trucking industry. We make the sustainable choice the easy choice.

In Canada, the transportation industry is one of the major contributors to climate change, and truckers and loggers are being called out as the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2010, eco-Options Energy has operated an alternative fuel supply cooperative, switching commercial fleet members from fossil fuel to lower carbon intensity fuels. 

Our new initiative, eco-Options Renewal Diesel, ‘Diesel from Trees’, takes underused, essentially forgotten, waste material from local forests to produce a quality fuel to reduce emissions from commercial trucks – the largest source of GHG emissions in Canada.

 Can the trucking industry have an impact? You bet!

Our Answer to the Climate Crisis

If eco-Options can engage enough Members in using Renewable Diesel from Trees (RDT),

truck emissions could be reduced to zero by 2027. (Within 8 YEARS.)

Inspired by Greta Thunberg’s advice. “Right now is where we draw the line.”

1.“Global warming is so serious, humanity is facing an existential crisis.”

2.“For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear.”

3.“Act, as if the house was on fire Because it is.

Our Mission

To produce, supply and scale the use of Renewable Diesel in Canada. eco-Options Renewable Diesel provides a solution to combat climate change while addressing the needs and demands of the transportation industry


Our Values

At eco-Options, we value our members. By using a cooperative business model, we foster member participation, community collaboration and help businesses save money while working towards a zero-waste model.

The real impact of choosing RD

Reduction of engine-out emissions of 1 truck = Reduced emissions of 30 electric cars

Where to reach us

David Swan, Chief Energy Officer

778 387 5201

14470 Marine Dr. White Rock, B.C.  V4B 1B3 Canada

Contact Us Today!